Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sunday Training (20.8.18)

Our Sunday trainings are three hours long but even so, we don't have enough time to get everything done. We got most of what we wanted done though.

1. Warm Up Games by David was fun an well-received as usual
2. Newaza Technical: We straight away went into a newaza scenario where uke is in a turtle position and tori is straddling him (on top of his back). We did a Alligator Roll into Kami-Shiho-Gatame and also into Tate-Shiho-Gatame.
3. Gripping Drills: We worked on drills for preventing the high grip and the Korean shake.
4. Tachi-Waza: We got players to work on their favorite techniques in a kenka-yotsu situation.
5. Randori: We started with newaza and then did tachi-waza.
6. Shiai: Mock contests for our players.

What we didn't have time to do were Ashiwaza Drills and Transition Drills. As I said, three hours is not enough. Some of our players stayed back after training to do more training -- for their upcoming grading.

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