Sunday, February 17, 2019

Fruitful Sunday session

We had a very productive session on Sunday. As usual we started with some warm-ups and played some games, which were fun and always a good way to get everyone into the right mood for training.

For newaza, we worked on the Neil Adams armlock. I showed them how to do the roll in two directions. Then I showed them how to use the arm lever to straighten the arm. Next weekend we will work on Ecky-Gatame and what to do when uke flattens out.

The juji-gatame segment took up a lot of time because it's quite a complicated move, so the players needed a lot of time to learn this technique.

Then we spent some time having each player work on their tokui-waza. They did lots of nagekomi which is very important (much more so than uchikomi). For the lighter throws, the nagekomi was done on the mats but for heavier throws, we used crash pads.

I wanted to make sure they had plenty of time for randori. Every player got at least four randoris and in some cases six or seven. So that was very good. Over time, as our players' stamina improve, I hope to get them to do up to eight randoris per session.

It was a smaller group today (14 players) but we had a very fruitful session. Everybody learned a lot, everyone got a lot of randoris and nobody got seriously injured. There's little more you could ask for.

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