Sunday, January 21, 2018

Week 3: Sankaku Revision & Kouchi-Gari

It's been three weekends now since the start of the year and the players are picking up lots of new techniques. They are also getting lots of randori and doing some shiai too. Everything's coming along smoothly.

Before the proper session started, the players worked on some grading moves. Many of them are going for their yellow belt.

For newaza, we revised sankaku. This will be the final session for sankaku. Starting next week we will move onto something new. The players did a drill whereby uke resisted 100%. It's kind of like randori except the focus was only on sankaku.

For tachi-waza, we worked on kouchi-gari, specifically skipping kouchi-gari, which is useful in a kenka-yotsu situation. As usual, we started off with uchikomi and then nagekomi. I also had them do a drill where both players tried to get kouchi on each other with full resistance. In other words, a randori where only kouchi could be used.

Players taking a break before moving on to randori and shiai.

We did some newaza randori and then instead of tachi-waza randori we did some shiai. There were some pretty good throws and quite a few surprise throws. Everyone's upping their game!

We ended the session with some cake. It was a really good session.

The players presented me with a collage of some of our training pics over the past few months.

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