Thursday, June 6, 2019

Elite trainng modules

Gripping training is a key component of competition training

Our elite competition training program is very different from the general judo program that we usually have. For our general sessions, I would teach a range of techniques designed to give the players a well-rounded understanding of judo. We do a lot of randori during general sessions.

For the elite sessions, the focus is more on fine-tuning specific skills based on scenarios. We don't do as much randori during the elite sessions, focusing instead on drills to build muscle memory.

Just as with general training, for our elite training we have dedicated newaza and tachi-waza sessions to facilitate focused training. For elite training, we also have also have a dedicated session for tactics and strategy, which is necessary for winning competitions.

Elite Training: Newaza
Transition Drills I: Throwing uke off the ground
Transition Drills: Taking the fight into newaza
Tokui-Waza from Guard Position
Tokui-Waza from Head-to-Head Position
Tokui-Waza from Riding Turtle Position

Elite Training: Tachi-Waza

Gripping Warm-Up: Korean Shake
Grip Fighting Drill I: Tori vs Uke (one attacking, one defending)
Grip Fighting Drill II: Tori vs Tori (both going for dominant grip)
Tokui-Waza against Right Uke
Tokui-Waza against Left Uke
Tokui-Waza against High Right Uke
Tokui-Waza against High Left Uke

Elite Training: Tactics & Strategy
Dealing with Shido Situation
Dealing with Golden Score Situation

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