Saturday, April 25, 2020

Comprehensive gripping tutorials coming in May

Detailed kumi-kata lessons coming your way, soon!

Gripping or kumi-kata is something that is traditionally not taught. Yet it is such a vital component of judo.

If you happen to live in a strong judo country where there are tons of training centres with tons of strong players, you will develop good gripping just by osmosis alone. But if you happen to live in a country where judo is not that popular and you don't have a lot of training partners, you will need to learn gripping in a structured way.

The lessons will be presented in video format and will be available to KL Judo members via our closed Facebook Group and/or our new website which will have a member's section.

We might make digital membership available for those who live outside of Klang Valley but wish access these tutorials. I've not worked out the pricing for this yet though.

Over the next few days I'll be drawing up the syllabus for these tutorials and I'll be publishing them in a future blog posting so you'll know exactly what will be taught. It will be very comprehensive and the lessons will be steadily released throughout the month of May.

If you follow these lessons, by the end of the month you would have learned everything you've ever wanted to know about gripping and then some!

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