Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Juji-Gatame Masterclass Part 2: Adams Roll

The Neil Adams Roll is similar to the Iastkevich Roll except that it involves a Figure-4 grip on your opponent's left hand instead of a simple catch with a grip on your own lapel. The Adams Roll is more versatile than the Iastkevich roll in that it allows you to roll your opponent from the back (legs) as well as the front (head). With the Iastkevich Roll, you can only roll him from the back (legs).

This is the clip of the whole movement.

Adams Roll
This is the accompanying video clip for the blog posting on the Neil Adams Roll into juji-gatame.
Posted by KL Judo Club on Wednesday, September 16, 2015

And the following still pics show the breakdown of the movement in detail.

In the Adams Roll, "the catch" is done from under your opponent's left armpit and securing his left arm with your left hand.

A close-up look at how you achieve the crucial Figure-4 grip on your opponent. Initially, it is your left hand that has a grip on uke's left forearm.

You make the switch and now your right hand is holding onto uke's left forearm.

The move complete when your left hand grips your own right wrist. This is the Figure-4 you're looking for.

Let's zoom back out. This is what you look like at the start of the roll, with the Figure-4 secured.

To initiate the roll, I post on my forehead.

From there, I could have rolled to the front or the back. My default first option is usually to attack the back (legs).

This is what it looks like from another perspective. Notice I still have the Figure-4 secured.

It is vitally important to maintain the Figure-4. Once you lose it, you will not be able to do the roll.

To rotate him over, I exert pressure on his left arm by using the Figure-4 as a lever.

To ease the pressure on his arm, uke has to roll over.

Although the Figure-4 lever is doing most of the work, my left leg comes into play too, helping to guide uke over.

Once he is flat on his back its important to bring my right leg over his head to prevent him from sitting up.

The beauty of the Adams Roll is its versatility. Let's say I find it difficult to roll uke over from the back. I have the option to roll him over from the front because of the Figure-4 grip. The Iastkevich roll, which involves a simple catch of my own lapel doesn't allow for this.

To make the switch, I go back to my original position where I post on my forehead.

And I switch directions. Now, I'm attacking the front (his head). Notice how I place my right leg underneath his head. This will give me the leverage I need to execute the roll.

Using my right leg, I rotate him over from the front rather than the back. In this position, the Figure-4 acts to secure him from escaping but the bulk of the rotation work is done by the right leg.

As he falls onto his back, I place my right leg over his head to prevent him from sitting up.

Lastly, I sit up to position myself to begin to straighten his arm (but that's a topic for another posting).

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