Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Judo Concepts

When people speak about judo basics, quite often what they are referring to are the traditional or classical forms of judo techniques (or you could call them the "Gokyo" or Kodokan versions).

This is not what I mean when I refer to basics. To me, judo basics or fundamentals refer to concepts that help make your judo game more effective.

Over the years, I've accumulated a lot of knowledge about various judo concepts but until recently, I had never really thought about these things in a very systematic way. After putting some thought to the matter, I came up with the following modules that should be taught to anyone who wants to do well in judo competition. (Many of these concepts would be useful and applicable to recreational players too but many of the concepts have little to no relevance to people who do not intend to compete).

The ones marked with an asterisk (*) are concepts that are universally applicable to anyone who wants to improve their judo. The ones without an asterisks are relevant only to competitors.

I plan to teach these concepts every Sunday.

1.    Stance*
2.    Family of Techniques*
3.    Types of Grips*
4.    Gripping Strategy
5.    Stiff vs Flexible Arms*
6.    Distance vs Close Fighting
7.    Timing*
8.    Movement*
9.    Action-Reaction*
10.    Combinations: Standing*
11.    Combinations: Groundwork*
12.    Transitions: Standing to Ground
13.    Transitions: Ground to Standing
14.    Judo Chop
15.    Strategic Attacks
16.    Edge Play
17.    Shido Play
18.    Korean Shake

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