Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Successful personalized training


Our Tuesday class was a lot smaller than our Sunday class and this allowed us to conduct more personalized training.

Nigel helped teach the beginners some basics like break-falls and rolls as well as ogoshi (on a crashpad). Meanwhile, I worked with the others on transition from ground to standing and how to make full use of the new IJF rules that allow you to throw off the ground.

Midway through the session, we worked together as a group and everyone worked on okuri-eri-jime followed by osoto-gari from a kenka-yotsu (opposite stance) situation.

After that we did randori and wrapped up around 9.50pm. That gave us 10 minutes to roll-up the mats and get out of there!

It was a good session. Players got more personalized attention, nobody got injured and everyone had a good workout. This will be the template for future weekday sessions.

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