Alongside the 24 Tachi-Waza techniques I'll be teaching for the rest of the year (on Tuesday nights), I will be teaching the following 24 Newaza techniques.
I will show the basics together with competition variations, and where possible, combination attacks. Effective defenses and escapes for these techniques will also be taught.
1. Kesa-Gatame
2. Yoko-Shiho-Gatame
3. Kami-Shiho-Gatame
4. Tate-Shiho-Gatame
5. Arm Trap Roll
6. Matsumoto Roll
7. Fallon Roll
8. Kata-Guruma Roll
9. Lapel Grip Roll
10. Hadaka-Jime
11. Okuri-Eri-Jime
12. Kataha-Jime
13. Gyaku-Juji-Jime
14. Koshi-Jime
15. Sode-Guruma-Jime
16. Ashi-Jime
17. Trap Choke
18. Ude-Garami
19. Juji-Gatame
20. Yoko-Sankaku I
21. Yoko-Sankaku II
22. Sankaku from Below
23. Straddling Sankaku
24. Huizinga Roll